How To Get A Lizard Out Of Your House
Lizards, or cicaks, are quite a common sight in Singapore homes (especially in ground floor units). Many people are horrified by their appearance and sounds, despite their being harmless. But if you have a real phobia of the little critters (aka Herpetophobia), or hate their germ-laden poo everywhere, don't worry, we've got you covered with these useful tips:
1. Mosquito repellent liquid
Look around your house, Urbanites. Maybe you still have a can or two of mosquito repellent. If you do, use it to expel disturbing geckos.
Just spray or apply the liquid to the place where it often passes. Or, if you already know where they're hiding, spray the liquid there.
Why will the lizard run away? Partly because it doesn't like the scent of the chemicals. But it's also because lizards feed on mosquitoes (see, we told you they're the good guys) – so the fewer mozzies are in your house, the fewer lizards you'll find.
2. Clean the cabinets under the sink
This is a favourite place for lizards to hang out and lay their eggs. They like that it's damp and usually warm. Also, if you have pipes that leak a bit, it provides them with a generous water source.
Check the cabinets under sinks regularly, and try to keep them dry (use newspapers to line the base, and change them often). As an upside, this will also prevent wood rot, and help your cabinets last longer.
3. Lower the room temperature
Remember your biology lessons in Secondary school? Lizards, unlike us mammals, cannot regulate their own body temperature. And while lizards still survive everywhere in the world (except Antarctica), they are fewer in cold climates.
Unfortunately, simply using a fan or opening a window won't cut it. To make lizards uncomfortable, you'll need to turn up the air-conditioning, and keep the room chilly; around 22 degrees centigrade at least.
This really ramps up your air-conditioning bill though – if you have to do it, maybe just do it for the night when you're turning in.
(And can't stand hearing their chirping)
4. Eggshells
The next time you have eggs, don't throw away the shells. Instead, wipe the shells dry with a piece of tissue, then leave them close to where the lizards frequent.
Lizards dislike the smell that come from eggs (actually, come to think of it, many of us do too). They'll keep clear of any spaces with that eggy aroma.
Do note though, that you need to throw away the eggshells by the next day for hygiene reasons! Bacteria is way more dangerous than lizards.
5. Cut garlic
Cut a clove of garlic, and leave it where you don't want lizards. The smell will drive them away. You can also put it near a small table fan, to blow it across the room.
Note that just leaving a clove of garlic there won't work – you need to cut into it to really get the scent out.
6. Remove fruits and potted plants
Yeah, so you know what we said about lizards eating mosquitoes? What won't make you happy is that they also eat fruits, and your potted plants. Sorry.
This means that, if you leave fruit bowls on the table, you can expect to hear their chirping come night time (although there is no proven harm in eating a fruit that a lizard has taken a small nibble from). As for your potted plants, well – maybe now you know why there are little rips and holes in those leaves.
In any case, having fewer of these out in the open will draw fewer lizards.
7. If you don't have children or other pets, consider naphthalene balls
Naphthalene balls will drive away lizards, as well as many other kinds of bugs.
But be careful using them if you have young children, or pets – you don't want either to play with the naphthalene balls or worse, eat them (it can cause nausea and vomiting if ingested, even if a child puts her finger in her mouth after touching them).
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If you found this article helpful, recommends Is a Low Floor Unit Home Prone to Pests? and How to Deal with Termites in your Home.
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Why is mosquito repellent liquid effective against lizards?
Why will the lizard run away? Partly because it doesn't like the scent of the chemicals. But it's also because lizards feed on mosquitoes (see, we told you they're the good guys) – so the fewer mozzies are in your house, the fewer lizards you'll find.
Where do lizards usually hide in the house?
This is a favourite place for lizards to hang out and lay their eggs. They like that it's damp and usually warm. Also, if you have pipes that leak a bit, it provides them with a generous water source. Check the cabinets under sinks regularly, and try to keep them dry (use newspapers to line the base, and change them often).
How do eggshells help in getting rid of lizards?
Lizards dislike the smell that comes from eggs (actually, come to think of it, many of us do too). They'll keep clear of any spaces with that eggy aroma.
How To Get A Lizard Out Of Your House
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